2014 Animated Summer

upcoming departures Forums PacSet Forum 2014 Animated Summer

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    • #2282

      ‘ello everyone! :3 Just thought I’d create this thread as our tour draws ever nearer! ^w^

      Guess I’ll introduce myself… my name is Chantel, but I also go by Chanteru, Chant, Chan, etc. I’m 23 years old and live in NY. I grew up watching anime, reading manga, and listening to J-pop/rock, so I’ve always wanted to visit Japan as a kid – similar to many of you, I’m sure. :p I don’t spend much time watching anime now, but I enjoy playing RPGs and rhythm/music games! I’m finishing up grad school now, so this trip will also be somewhat of a celebration for me.

      Hopefully some other people will post so we can start a little dialogue and whatnot on our hobbies and interests. I’m interested in getting to know who I’ll be hanging around with for more than a week in Japan! xD

    • #2515

      Hello! My name is Kat, I’m from CT, and my husband and I are going together on the trip together o(*゚▽゚*)o

      A little bit about me – I’m 26 and work as a graphic designer. I’m a fan of manga, otome games and JRPGs. I’m looking forward to shopping along the trip (Otome Road wooo!) and am even more excited by the fact that Sailor Moon Crystal will be starting around the time of the trip (double wooo!). My inner 8-year old is filled with joy ಥ‿ಥ

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